Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Early October News at the Castro-Cocina Work Continues

Archeology work has continued at the Castro Adobe. Karen Hildenbrand and her crew of volunteer archaeologists, Mike Luther, Dave Calleri and Karen Loeffler, have been steadily working on items found in the trash pits inside the cocina. Among the various items identified were a local 1926 newspaper clipping and various car parts. Hildenbrand assumes that most of the items in the trash pit were dumped in at once, not deposited over time. Their work on the identification of the trash pit feature continues.

Investigations also continue with the exact size of the brasero (masonry range). A line of ash debris on the floor (the ash debris is from stoking the fire in the range) serves as the guide by which to determine the width of the bracero. The photograph below is an example of what the brasero may looked like:
Image courtesy of Rancho San Andres Castro Adobe Historic Structure Report. 2003. pg. 97.

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